Image of a fingerprint

Welcome, Mystery Writers!

Keep your readers guessing! Enter your email below to get the resource list for the webinar, Building the Puzzle Behind Your Mystery's Plot.

The resource list includes:

  • Slides from the webinar
  • How to hide obvious clues in scenes
  • What to do if your puzzle is too easy (or too hard)
  • List of novels that showcase one aspect of building a puzzle discussed in the webinar
  • Links to guidelines and info about real life investigations, such as:
    • Protocol for conducting death investigations
    • How investigators determine time of death
    • The difference between coroners and medical examiners

Hi, I’m Lori Puma. I help authors write novels that inspire readers to skip bathroom breaks and survive on snacks which can be consumed while turning pages. If you’re ready to make your current novel something readers can’t put down, let’s chat!