What Writing Craft Books Left Out

Fiction craft books often come with promises that following the advice inside will help you become a top author. But many writers are disappointed when they try to apply the books’ recommendations to their own writing. And with good reason. There’s a mismatch between what’s covered in the book and what most novelists actually struggle with.

Subscribe to learn what craft book authors assume you already know (or will figure out on your own).
A navy blue book cover with rips at the top and bottom title "What Fiction Craft Books Left Out"

This series explores these topics:

  • The #1 reason novelists abandon manuscripts mid-draft (and how you can avoid it)
  • A surprising secret to crafting dynamic stories with surprising plot twists and three-dimensional characters
  • What makes some sequences so exciting that readers stay up all night, and others so boring they never pick up the book again
  • The two items you need to prioritize when you want to hold readers’ attention in your scenes

Hi, I’m Lori Puma. I help authors write novels that inspire readers to skip bathroom breaks and survive on snacks which can be consumed while turning pages. I’d love to help you transform your work-in-progress into a story readers can’t put down, or your draft manuscript into a novel that turns readers into die-hard fans. See how we can work together